About Conference

Conference Series proudly invites you to the “2nd Annual Conference on Surgery”, scheduled to be held on September 16-17, 2024 in Paris, France. Participants are encouraged to focus on the theme, "GLOBAL COLLABORATION IN SURGERY." These events will serve as a platform for exchanging knowledge, advancements, and ideas in the field of surgery, offering opportunities to learn about effective ways to improve healthcare outcomes and enhance medical technology.

THE SURGERY CONFERENCES 2024 is designed for Surgeons, Physicians, Health Care Professionals, Professors, Medical Directors, and students actively engaged in this field. The conference will feature prompt keynote presentations, oral talks, poster presentations, video presentations, exhibitions, symposiums, workshops, and a Young Researcher’s Forum focusing on the latest treatments and innovative methods in surgery.

The conference is expected to cover a diverse range of topics, including new surgical techniques, technological advances, research findings, case studies, and discussions on healthcare policy. The primary objective is to bring together individuals sharing a common interest in surgery, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, and ideas, and fostering collaboration in the field.

Conference Highlights

Special Issues
  1.  All accepted abstracts will be published in respective OMICS International Journals.
  2.  Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by Cross Ref.
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